The Shiai jo - Riverside College, Bacolod City.
The Awarding Ceremonies

With Seijitsu Judo Ladies a few days before the Games. Much effort is exerted in recruiting ladies to join Judo in order to change the uninformed impressions that Judo is a brutal sport.
Though new to Judo, these Seijitsu Judo Team members served well by helping set up the venue: Mats, meeting room, sounds, projector and other utilities.
We wish to thank Dr. Ava Infante who served as the event's official doctor, and the Light Disaster Squadron that served as the emergency response team during the event.
Most of all we wish to thank The Philippine Judo Federation thru its officers Pres. Mr. David F. Carter, Sec. Gen. Mr. Leo Panganiban, PJF Vice-Pres. for Western Visayas Gen. Vic Neptuno (Ret.), and Sensei Masaharu Kinjho, 8th Dan (KODOKAN) and everyone else in the PJF for their support for Judo in our area.
Inasmuch as we would want to post all the pictures and video of the event, we are unable to produce some of the important copies because members of our documentation committee are now busy with academics and have taken a break. It would be great help if readers would contribute their pictures and video by sharing it to our account in Facebook.