This is one of the most complicated of the Ways, and perhaps the nearest to life. it is a general training of the whole body and not concentration on a special aim with special instruments. But because of the complexity of the technique, many students become wholly absorbed in technical achievement, losing the one principle (ri) in study of individual tricks (ji).
In Judo there is no complete rest at all; always the balance has to be actively preserved under the push and pull of the opponent. The student is expected to find truth of the Taoist saying: "The stillness in stillness is not the real stillness; only when there is stillness in movement does the universal rhythm manifest."
The Koan: If you anticipate one alternative, but he takes the other, the throw is blocked. if you wait to see what he does, you hesitate and spoil the throwing action. If you make your mind a blank, your body will not move.
How to solve the problem?

The winning throw from an important contest is a wonderful feat of technique. The strong resisting opponent, himself an expert, is carried high in to the air by the tori, the combined weight being balanced on the toe-tips of the foot. Apart from technical difficulties, begginners for a long time hesitate to throw the body into the attack, taking the head right down. The have to screw themselves up to it and so lose the oppurtunity, which is very short. The Zen sayings are: "Enter at one stroke" and "Throw away the body to find the spirit"