It was a cool Sunday morning when I decided to visit Sensei Kinjho at his home which is far from where I lived. 4 days after Sensei Pat's funeral somehow there was a need to refresh my spirit. I was not sure of finding Sensei Kinjho in his home as he is always busy but then I took my chances and went there together with my father. I was glad to meet him when we got to where he lived. The place was full of fruit-bearing trees and sensei was busy with supervising all the fruit-picking and arrangement of the fruits. To my amazement, I later noticed that sensei was wearing one of his ATLETA Judo t-shirts while working in his farm.
After a while, we sat together and gave each other an update of our activities. Most of the time of course, we talked about Judo. In fact, it seemed everything we talked about was Judo. We looked back at everything we have been through - and it was of course Judo.
The visit to sensei was timely. As Seijitsu Judo Dojo continues to grow there is a need for Judo wisdom to carry on the duties that come with the teaching of Judo. And Sensei Kinjho is the best source of that Judo wisdom.

Sempai and Kohai. A picture taken with Sensei Kinjho, 8th Dan (KODOKAN) during my visit last July 18, 2010 at his farm.

With Sueko, Sensei's daughter.

Looking at this throw reminds me of Sensei Kinjho's excellent nagewaza.