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Monday, July 27, 2009

The Judoka Body At War: Detox Cleansing Reactions Immediately Precede Better Health

Detox is a must for boosting your immune system. Though you won’t consider it fun, it is the bridge you cross that takes you to a beautiful healthier new life.

Basically, it means cleaning out anything in your body the cells don’t need in order to function. And the cells are ‘clean freaks’, functioning very best when no toxins are present. Regular cleansing means the immune system has less work to do and fewer battles to fight leaving it in a stronger state to fight the important battles.

Lets look at some cleansing Symptoms, Cautions, Gentle Colon Cleansers and the two types of Detox discussed on this page:

‘Lifestyle Change Detox’ which comes automatically when we make healthy changes to our diet and supplements, and

‘Targeted Detox’ where you are deliberately cleansing targeted areas of the body such as a colon cleanse.

Detox Symptoms

Some cleansing reaction symptoms are nausea, diarrhea, constipation (especially in the case of heavy metals), headaches, rash, itching, fever, weakness, feeling tired, cold or flu-like symptoms, blurred vision, and many others depending on what type of toxins you have in your body.

Lifestyle Change Detox

A cleansing reaction comes naturally when we begin a new healthy lifestyle with a great natural diet and supplements.

Warning - Adding excellent food and supplements to your body may make you feel bad! Yes, it’s true, you usually - but not always - have bouts of feeling a little worse for a short while before you feel better when you add great nutrients to your cells.

It’s like remodeling your house. When you start tearing out the old junk, it looks much worse for a little while. Then step by step it starts looking better until one day it looks great! And that’s a lot like how your body rebuilds and renews when you improve your diet and add needed supplements to it.

Not everyone feels bad at first when they add excellent food and supplements. Some - especially those that are really sick - will just start feeling better right away. And sometimes the cleansing reaction comes later or intermittently.

So here’s what happens. Let’s use raw food as an example. Remember from ‘Immunity Boosters’ page that raw food has enzymes that remove the covering from bad bacteria, cancer cells and other foreign matter so the immune system can destroy and remove it. So when you add raw food to your diet, you will have a lot of garbage that is ready to exit the body. But as it exits, it must go back thru the blood, liver, colon, etc. to get out of the body. This is what makes you feel bad. It’s like you have to poison yourself all over again to get those toxins out. (Remember this at the point where you are about to put the toxins in! :).

Another example would be the supplement fruit drink noni that kills bad bacteria, viruses, fungus, etc. As those toxins exit you may have diarrhea for a short time. The diarrhea is actually good at this point (drink lots of water so you don’t dehydrate) because it is a steady stream of toxins making their way out.

Targeted Detox

Though our body was designed to cleanse automatically, it can’t keep up with the massive amounts of toxins that go into our bodies every day. Some of the many toxins that affect our health come from our water, medications, refined and junk food, sodas, alcohol, heavy metals, bacteria, fungus, parasites, bad fats and even supplements that are not used by the cells.

It is vital for a healthy immune system and to prevent disease, to regularly cleanse your body. There are many body systems that benefit from a targeted detox program including colon, liver, kidney and bladder, lung, lymphatic, blood and even skin.

It is very important to do a gentle colon cleanse before starting any other detox program or new supplements so the exiting debris can get out as quickly as possible. If the colon is backed up and sluggish the newly dislodged toxins that can’t get out will now cause extra problems in your system. So you will want to do a colon cleanse before any other body cleanse. And, YES, there are many benefits of a colon cleanse,probably helping overall health more than anything else you can do.

BEST Gentle Colon Cleansers

Noni is a very good colon and whole body cleanser that helps you detox from anything (even addictions) more comfortably. It can be taken in combination with your new diet and supplements to make the transition easier (even helps reduce cravings). And noni will make your other targeted cleanses easier.

Along with boosting the immune system, noni has many wonderful health benefits. When my mom started on the noni her bowel movements became like mud for a few days. After just 2-3 weeks on the noni she had a colon test that showed her polyps were gone that had been on a previous colon test she had taken. Noni is one of God’s special plants that has more than 2000 years of documented health giving properties.

Another gentle colon cleanser - also excellent for constipation - is magnesium and it has many great side benefits such as restful deep sleep (take one hour before bedtime), lowered blood pressure and calming stress relief.

Probiotics are another gentle colon cleanser - also excellent for constipation - and helps keep the right balance of friendly bacteria in the colon which is vital for great health and a strong immune system. The average American has 80% bad bacteria and 20% good bacteria. For excellent natural health you need to have 80% good bacteria and 20% bad bacteria. In order to maintain this balance you will need to supplement daily with a live culture probiotic supplement.

These gentle colon cleansers are usually enough when you’re also consuming a great diet with high-fiber plant food and very little junk food, but some people may need to progress to a stronger colon cleanse or colonics.

After a colon cleanse, the next best cleanse is a liver cleanse with milk thistle, dandelion or fresh raw juice which includes beets. Everything that goes in the body is filtered through the liver so it is very important to keep this organ clean and healthy. Too many toxins in the liver can damage it, cause decreased functioning, other health problems or even lead to death.

Eat plenty of fiber, brown rice and organically-grown fresh fruits and vegetables if they are available. If you cannot find organically grown produce locally, try growing your own fresh fruits and vegetables.

Take herbs for your health! Cleanse and protect the liver by using herbs such as dandelion root, burdock and milk thistle and switching to green tea.

You need your Vitamin C! This important vitamin helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives away toxins.

Drink plenty of water! You should drink at least eight glasses of water daily.

Relax and breathe! Taking deep breaths allows oxygen to circulate more completely through your system.

Bust stress! Do away with stress by emphasizing positive emotions as well as the positive in every situation.

Hydrotherapy is important! Try taking a very hot shower for five minutes, allowing the water to run on your back and visualizing the stress running off and washing down the drain with the water. Follow this with cold water for 30 seconds. Repeat this three times, then get into bed for 30 minutes and relax.

Sweat it out! Sweat in a sauna so your body can eliminate waste through perspiration.

Dry-brush your skin! This will help to remove toxins through your pores. You can locate special brushes at natural products or health food stores.

Exercise! Oh yes, you knew that word was in there somewhere. Be sure to exercise for one hour every day.

Seijitsu Judo Ryu Oath

  • "Without permission of the Authorities of Seijitsu Judo Dojo, I will not teach or divulge the Knowledge of the Art I shall be taught.

    I will not perform the Art in public for personal gain.

    I will lay no blame on anyone, except myself, in the event of accident, even if it should result in my death.

    I will conduct myself in such a way as never to discredit the traditions and honor of Seijitsu Judo Dojo.

    I will not abuse, or misuse, the Knowlege of Judo.

    I shall push and persevere."

Copied from the original Kodokan Oath and adapted by Seijitsu Judo Dojo; Judo - The Basic Technical Principles and Exercises by G. Koizumi (7th Dan), Founder of the Judo Movement in Great Britain and Europe, July 1958

About Judo

The Purpose of Judo Discipline

According to Jigoro Kano, the founder of Kodokan Judo:

  • "Judo is the way to the most effective use of both physical and spiritual strength. By training you in attacks and defenses it refines your body and soul and helps you make the spiritual essence of Judo a part of your very being. In this way you are able to perfect yourself and contribute something of value to the world. This is the final goal of Judo Discipline."

Anyone who intends to follow the way of Judo must above all instill this teaching in his heart.

Judo in Action; Kazuzo Kudo, 9th Dan; Japan Publications Trading Company, Tokyo, Japan; January 1967

On Judo and the Changing Times

  • "As thoughts on any subject advance, there is the danger that people will tend to regard past ideas as no more than empty academic theory. Such an over-prejudiced attitude must not be condoned."

Tetsuya Sato and Isao Okano, Vital Judo, Japan Publications Inc., 1973

On the Value of Continuous Scholarly Study in Judo

  • "We live today and die tomorrow but the books we read tell us things of a thousand years."

Yamaga Sokō (September 21, 1622 - October 23, 1685) was a Japanese philosopher and strategist during the Tokugawa shogunate. He was a Confucian, and applied Confucius's idea of the "superior man" to the Samurai class of Japan. This became an important part of the Samurai way of life and code of conduct known as Bushido

On Judo and its Lifelong Pursuit